One of our factories is a specialized manufacturer of safety shoes. Since the formation of this factory in 2001 we stand for safety and quality. We focus on making quality professional safety shoes, protecting feet with providing comfort and safety. With advanced machinery and equipment, perfect physical and chemical testing laboratory, we provide products with stable quality, reasonable prices, stylish designs, and extensive use in industries. And we have obtained a series of products certification and factory certificate of accreditation.

In order to control the production quality timely and accurately in bulk goods, our factory began to buy professional testing machines from 2003, and has purchased a lot of testing equipment. For example, safety footwear impact tester, tensile tester, electrical resistance tester, DIN abrasion machine, Bennewart sole flexer, compression tester, steel midsole flexer, whole shoe flexer, analytical balance, thickness gauge, digital calipers, digital thermometer, torque meter, Type A durometer, temperature and humiditycabinet, bench drilling machine and so on. And continue to optimize and update laboratory instruments within these years. We have become a member of SATRA in 2010 and started to build a very systematic laboratory system, the lab was accredited by SATRA in 2018, and the key R&D staffs are awarded certified technician certificates from SATRA. Every year, SATRA technology services limited staffs come to our laboratory for annual audit, technical personnel training and instrument calibration to ensure the accuracy of our testing.

Up to now, our lab can complete the following test items independently: upper/outsole bond strength ( EN ISO 20344:2011(5.2)), impact resistance of safety footwear ( EN ISO 20344:2011(5.4)), compression resistance of safety footwear ( EN ISO 20344:2011(5.5)), penetration resistance ( whole footwear with metallic anti-penetration insert ) ( EN ISO 20344:2011(5.8.2)), antistatic footwear ( electrical resistance ) ( EN ISO 20344:2011(5.10)), outsole abrasion resistance ( ISO 4649:2010 method A ), flexing resistance of outsole ( EN ISO 20344:2011(8.4)), resistance to fuel oil of outsole ( EN ISO 20344:2011(8.6)), tensile properties of upper ( EN ISO 20344:2011(6.4), ISO 3376:2011), tear strength of upper ( EN ISO 20344:2011(6.3)), tear strength of lining ( ISO 4674-1:2003 ), water resistance of whole footwear ( SATRA TM77:2017 ), etc.

In the mass physical test items sampling inspection, we strictly comply with the ISO9001 quality system requirements of sampling operation process according to the proportion of the number of orders to extract enough test samples, the safety shoes involved in all the test items for testing. Sometimes we can also focus on testing related projects according to the special requirements of customers. For example: steel toe impact resistance need to up to 200J, steel toe compression resistance need to up to 15KN, steel plate penetration resistance need to up to 1100N, upper/outsole bond strength need to up to 4N/mm, antistatic footwear need to up to 100KΩ<electrical≤1000MΩ, water resistance of whole footwear need to no water penetration occurred after 80 minutes ( 60±6 flexes per minute ).
There are generally the following test items when chemical test items are carried out in the mass production. Such as: PCP, PAHs, Banned Azo dyes, SCCP, 4-Nonylphenol, Octylphenol, NEPO, OPEO, ACDD, Phthalates, Formaldehyde, Cadmium content, Chromium ( VI ), etc.
We usually carry out three times of sampling inspection according to request of clients. Raw materials test before mass production. Only after passing the test can we carry out the cutting materials process. 20% finished production whole shoes will be tested, and mass production will continue after passing the test. 100% finished production whole shoe will be tested, only after the test is qualified can we arrange loading container and delivery. All the test are in charge of the third-party testing institutions which appointed by clients, such as TUV, BV and Eurofins. Testing institutions will arrange professionals to come to our factory for on-site sampling, and our factory will accurately weigh, pack and send samples of materials and samples according to the requirements of sampling professionals.
Our products are widely recognized and trusted by users and can meet continuously changing economic and social needs.
Post time: Jun-30-2022